Conversion of a traditional building into office space

  • Year: 2022
  • Client: Antonakakis group
  • Place: A. Papandreou Str., Chania, Crete
  • Size: 400,00m²

By incorporating business development services into its portfolio, Antonakakis firm has sought to foster a more dynamic environment that reflects its evolving vision.

This transition took the form of an amazing renovation project, aiming to transform a 400m² neoclassical building into a state-of-the-art workplace.

Conversion of a traditional building into office space

The goal was clear: to create a welcoming and functional atmosphere conducive to productivity and creativity.

The building, which spans two floors (basement and ground floor), was designed to meet the needs of a modern consulting firm. With 200 square meters on each floor, the layout prioritizes accessibility, efficiency and comfort throughout the workspace.

Conversion of a traditional building into office space

During our planning, a key element was the placement of the main spaces (reception, offices and meeting room) on the ground floor.

This decision implements a logical flow for both employees and visitors and incorporates the basic elements required for a better working environment.
The rest of the space has been carefully partitioned to incorporate 12-seat staff offices, an archive and a .. cafeteria(!).

Conversion of a traditional building into office space

By blending modern design with functionality, we have created a space that inspires the creativity, encourages collaboration, and exudes professionalism.

The aesthetic transformation of the building went beyond simple functionality. To achieve this, we have incorporated indoor plants throughout the basement, which contribute to air quality and add a more calm and balanced atmosphere to the workplace.

In order to highlight the geometric elements in the space, indirect lighting was placed (along the mainly white walls) and combined with large glass surfaces and metal elements.

A distinctive feature of this renovation was the decision to reinstall the original mosaic floor. This option not only enhances the aesthetic appearance, but also creates a peaceful and balanced atmosphere, improving the overall experience for both clients and consultants.

Conversion of a traditional building into office space
Conversion of a traditional building into office space